The main part of your estate is called the residue and this is dealt with below. Before giving away the residue you may wish to make certain gifts of money or personal belongings to beneficiaries.
8. Cash Gifts
Please give the name and address of the beneficiary and the amount to be given, with the age of anyone who is under 18.
9. Gifts Of Articles
Please give the names and address of people to whom you wish to leave specific items, and a full description of the article, to enable it to be identified. Please note that if you sell or replace one of these items the beneficiary will get nothing.
10.The Residue (The most important clause in your will)
The residue is all that you own except jointly owned property.
Please state below in percentage terms who is to receive the residue on your death and who is to receive it if they die before you.
- A Will is usually cancelled if you marry after making it.
- On divorce, gifts or appointments of to your husband/wife are cancelled but the rest of the Will stands.